Quickly Undo
Your Interconnection Queue

You’re experiencing an unprecedented number of utility-scale interconnection applications that require extensive time and resources to study safely.
2.6+ Terawatts of
Queued Projects
More than 2.6 Terawatts (TW) of proposed projects were waiting in interconnection queues at the end of 2023 to power more than 145 million customers nationwide.
Pearl Street’s software solutions can help you expedite interconnection and other grid planning studies to address increasing queue volumes.
by Pearl Street

SUGAR™ helps transmission providers manage an increasing volume of interconnection applications by accelerating time-consuming study processes.
Follow the lead of SPP and MISO, both of which have deployed SUGAR™ to clear more than 10% of the nation’s interconnection backlog. You can learn more about SUGAR™ here.

SUGAR™ plugs directly into existing transmission and interconnection planning workflows with support for standard data formats and customizable study processes.
Why Trust Us
“The models we build to conduct these studies are incredibly complex. Previously it would take our engineers, using the brute-force engineering judgment method, three to four weeks, up to two months, to get these models to a solved, converged state. Pearl Street can do that for us in about a week or less. The network upgrades we identify to integrate these new amounts of generation [also] become much more realistic.”
“SUGAR™’s performance demonstrated significant time reductions for the queue scenario model-building process: a typical three-week process was reduced to a single working session lasting thirty minutes or less.
• Models produced using SUGAR™ are consistent with current practices in terms of model quality based on comparisons of contingency analysis results (i.e., total thermal and/or voltage violation counts) and simulation convergence.
• SUGAR™ can help automate diagnoses of root causes of non-convergence for mitigation.”

Vice President, Engineering, Southwest Power Pool


What sets SUGAR™ apart from existing transmission software?
SUGAR™ (Suite of Unified Grid Analyses with Renewables) draws inspiration from the design, simulation, and optimization tools of the computer chip industry. It leverages powerful circuit simulation methods developed to study billion-transistor electronic systems and offers industry-leading convergence robustness for power grid analysis.
Interested in other grid planning applications of SUGAR™?
Contact us to see how SUGAR™ can support a variety of use cases:
- Extreme event analysis
- Policy studies
- Transmission expansion planning
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